I have been reflecting in the periphery about how this goverment has done nada for productivity in our country:

- Betting investment on property - a dead, non productive asset.

- Slashing investments, people and buget in science, technology, and climate

- Attacking workers' rights and depressing their pay (morale is linked to productivity)

- Steering money away from public education to private charter schools - doubling any prior investment in what was already a failed experiment - especially under Mr Seymour

- Implementing a staid, boring and debunked ideology premised on money is king and social care is out

- Not investing in what can boost productivity - science, technology, infrastructure, IT, people etc

TLDR: Not a smart government - not even close to it. Not surprised Bishop is steering Luxon to their mutual political demise.

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Depends what your definition of smart is. They are naking money while they sink the country.

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Touche - good point Lorna.

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I bet you don't get invited to the Conference, Craig.

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It all makes so much sense when I read your post, why is it out government are so blinkered when it comes to investing in us and for us?

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Foreign investment eh? What happened to that Theil character?

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He built a bunker to keep himself safe when everything collapses, in one of the most beautiful and expensive parts of our country, where ordinary people cant find anywhere to live while working minimum wage jobs to cater for his ilk.

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